Three-dimensional superlattice of PbS quantum dots in flakes

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ACS Omega
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In the last two decades, many experiments were conducted in self-organization of nanocrystals into two- and three-dimensional (3D) superlattices and the superlattices were synthesized and characterized by different techniques, revealing their unusual properties. Among all characterization techniques, X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the one that has allowed the confirmation of the 3D superlattice formation due to the presence of sharp and intense diffraction peaks. In this work, we study self-organized superlattices of quantum dots of PbS prepared by dropping a monodispersed colloidal solution on a glass substrate at different temperatures. We showed that the intensity of the low-angle XRD peaks depends strongly on the drying time (substrate temperature). We claim that the peaks are originated from the 3D superlattice. Scanning electron microscopy images show that this 3D superlattice (PbS quantum dots) is formed in flakeā€™s shape, parallel to the substrate surface and randomly oriented in the perpendicular planes.

Como referenciar
ERMAKOV, VIKTOR A.; SILVA FILHO, JOSE M.C. da; BONATO, LUIZ G.; MOGILI, NAGA V.V.; MONTORO, FABIANO E.; IIKAWA, FERNANDO; NOGUEIRA, ANA F.; CESAR, CARLOS L.; JIMENEZ-VILLAR, ERNESTO; MARQUES, FRANCISCO C. Three-dimensional superlattice of PbS quantum dots in flakes. ACS Omega, v. 3, n. 2, p. 2027-2032, 2018. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01791. DisponĆ­vel em: Acesso em: 25 Apr 2024.
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