Support to the nuclear safety regulator of Brazil (CNEN) through an INSC project
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The paper introduces the European Union funded cooperation between the Brazilian nuclear
regulatory body (CNEN) and a consortium of several European organizations. The still
ongoing cooperation started in 2011 and has provided CNEN with insights and
complementary information for licensing and regulatory activities on different reactor nuclear
safety issues. The support is described by examples relating to the Severe Accident
Management Program (SAMP) of the Angra 2 nuclear power plant NPP and the safety of
digital instrumentation and control systems (DI&C) of Angra 3. The goal of the support
regarding the SAMP is the review of the SAMP - under the licensing process by CNEN – with
the focus on the new procedures and equipment implemented after the Fukushima accident.
In parallel, a MELCOR simulation model of Angra 2 has been developed to perform
independent calculations in order to support the assessment of the safety analysis presented
in the Angra 2 Severe Accident Management Guides (SAMG). The support regarding DI&C
is focused on regulatory issues concerning the review and assessment of digital
instrumentation and control systems (DI&C) of the Angra 3 NPP under the licensing process
by CNEN – providing CNEN with insights and complementary information on licensing
experiences of new reactors with a DI&C architecture and technology similar to that of the
Angra 3 NPP.
Como referenciar
LAPA, N.S.; PEREIRA, L.C.M.; MADEIRA, A.A.; WELLELE, O.J.M.; SABUNDJIAN, G.; LEE, S.M.; ARO, I.; STEINROTTER, T.; VARELA, J.G.; VALKONEN, J.; PILJUGIN, G.R.S.; FURIERI, E.; RODRIGUEZ, J. Support to the nuclear safety regulator of Brazil (CNEN) through an INSC project. In: EUROSAFE FORUM, November 6-7, 2017, Paris, FR. Proceedings... Fontenay-aux-Roses, France: Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, 2017. p. 21-36. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 Mar 2025.
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