Phase quantification in UAlx-Al dispersion targets for Mo-99 production

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Journal of Nuclear Materials
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Uranium aluminide (UAlx) is a mixture of three distinct intermetallic compounds comprised of UAl2, UAl3 and UAl4, where the “x” is used to denote a mixture of those phases. Usually UAlx is formed during the target fabrication process by means of a solid state reaction between the uranium aluminide and aluminum. Quantitative techniques such as image analysis and X-ray diffraction using the Rietveld method were compared for their applicability in the determination of the UAl2, UAl3 and UAl4 concentrations, both in the UAl2 primary ingot and in the UAlx-Al dispersion. The UAlx composition was quantified in all stages of the target manufacturing. The image analysis method was shown to be useful for UAlx phase quantification in the primary UAl2 ingot, but was not applicable in the case of UAlx-Al dispersions. The X-ray diffraction method allowed the quantification of the existing UAlx phases in both the primary ingot and UAlx-Al dispersions. Possible sources of error are discussed. The method of quantification based on X-ray diffraction was shown to be appropriate to monitor the evolution of UAlx phases during the manufacturing process.

Como referenciar
CONTURBIA, G.L.C.R.; DURAZZO, M.; CARVALHO, E.F.U. de; RIELLA, H.G. Phase quantification in UAlx-Al dispersion targets for Mo-99 production. Journal of Nuclear Materials, v. 509, p. 465-477, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.07.029. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 Apr 2024.
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