Frequency-domainmodeling of unshielded multiconductor power cables for periodic excitation with new experimental protocol for wide band parameter identification

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Electrical Engineering
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A complete modeling technique for unshielded power cables is proposed. The focus is on applications where the resonance phenomena take place in electrically long cables and is originated from periodic excitation, such as power converters. The resonance problems caused by switching converters tend to become more common with the advent of wide band gap semiconductors. This paper includes a new experimental protocol specific for unshielded power cable parameter identification in a wide frequency band, from DC up to medium frequencies (tens of MHz), with an impedance analyzer. It also introduces a frequency-domain simulation tool with conversion to the time domain, via the Fourier series. This frequency-domainmodeling is straightforward, and its accuracy depends only on the accuracy of the cable parameter identification.

Como referenciar
BADE, TAMIRIS G.; ROUDET, JAMES; GUICHON, JEAN-MICHEL; SARTORI, CARLOS A.F.; KUO-PENG, PATRICK; SCHANEN, JEAN-LUC; DERBEY, ALEXIS. Frequency-domainmodeling of unshielded multiconductor power cables for periodic excitation with new experimental protocol for wide band parameter identification. Electrical Engineering, v. 101, n. 2, p. 333-343, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s00202-019-00780-2. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 Apr 2024.
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