The impact of wrong mass media communication on citizens' perception of radiation risks

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In Knowledge Society, Internet and mass media contribute to build an inclusive informed society, providing information about all fields of knowledge. Nevertheless, nuclear sciences remain a mystery for a great fraction of the Brazilian population. Controversies on the biological effects of radiation distort and confuse public's perceptions of radiation risks and benefits. Internet reports that the exposure to indoor radon is a risk factor for lung cancer. Internet reports that the radioactive monazitic sand brings health benefits. It is not easy for the general public to understand contradictions and to identify reliable sources. Scientific community is expected to communicate about the impacts of ionizing radiation in daily life. Nevertheless, the public does not read highly specialized papers. There seem to be a gap between society and the scientific community. On the other hand, anti-nuclear information seems to be easily understood. This paper discusses wrong mass media information delivered all over the country, for kids and adults, in very simple language, through cartoons, comics books, newspapers and educational sites, among others. The article brings examples of newspapers errors due to misinformation, anti-nuclear didactic material plenty of omissions and wrong information delivered to children. People fear what they do not understand. People fear the harmful effects of ionizing radiation to human health and the environment. Risk perception and risk acceptance are a matter of education and properly communication. It is a must to invest in properly scientific divulgation about the risks and benefits of nuclear sciences that impact in citizens´ everyday life, such as medical applications, industrial applications and nuclear power generation.

Como referenciar
LEVY, D.S.; RAMOS, F.C.; SORDI, G.M.A.A. The impact of wrong mass media communication on citizens' perception of radiation risks. In: CONGRESO REGIONAL DE SEGURIDAD RADIÓLOGICA Y NUCLEAR, 11th, April 16-20, 2018, La Habana, Cuba. Proceedings... Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Apr 2024.
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