Temperature dependence of irreversible flux loss field in sintered ferrite magnets

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IEEE Magnetics Letters
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This letter discusses the temperature dependence of the magnetic field at which irreversible magnetic flux loss of ferrite sintered magnets is initiated. In this material class such a field might reduce linearly: comparable behavior to that observed for Nd-Fe-B-based sintered counterparts increases linearly or even peaks for temperatures above 350 K. These differences are attributed to variations in the saturation polarization and magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant(s) of the hard-magnetic phase arising from changes in the chemical composition. A comparison between HK and HD5, where the latter is defined in an IEC standard, is also presented and discussed.

Como referenciar
PERIGO, E.A.; FARIA, R.N. Temperature dependence of irreversible flux loss field in sintered ferrite magnets: a connection with chemical composition and physical properties. IEEE Magnetics Letters, v. 11, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/LMAG.2020.3028842. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 Apr 2024.
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