Tuning of shape, defects, and disorder in lanthanum-doped ceria nanoparticles

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ACS Applied Nano Materials
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The design of nanomaterials by tailoring the size, shape, and surface chemistry has a significant impact on their properties. The fine-tuning of structural defects of ceria rod-like and cube-like-shaped nanoparticles was performed via La3+ doping in molar ratios of 0–70 mol %. Morphology control was achieved by varying the hydrothermal synthesis temperature. For LaxCe1–xO2–x/2 samples prepared at 110 °C, nanorod-like structures are obtained for x < 0.30 and a random morphology of interconnecting polyhedra is achieved for a larger x. The ceria fluorite crystalline structure is maintained at an x of up to 0.60, and both Raman and X-ray diffraction results indicate a high level of defects and disorder in the crystalline structure. For LaxCe1–xO2–x/2 samples prepared at 180 °C, cube-shaped particles are predominant for an x of up to 0.10; however, for x> 0.20, two fluorite phases with different lattice parameters are associated with two distinct shapes, cubes and rods The La concentration in nanocubes is limited to x = 0.10 even for samples prepared with higher nominal La concentrations, whereas the nanorods contain larger La concentrations. The demonstrated morphology and defect control on La-doped ceria nanoparticles are critical for applications such as high-temperature oxide catalysts.

Como referenciar
TRINDADE, FABIANE J.; DAMASCENO, SERGIO; OTUBO, LARISSA; FELEZ, MARISSOL R.; FLORIO, DANIEL Z. de; FONSECA, FABIO C.; FERLAUTO, ANDRE S. Tuning of shape, defects, and disorder in lanthanum-doped ceria nanoparticles: implications for high-temperature catalysis. ACS Applied Nano Materials, v. 5, n. 7, p. 8859-8867, 2022. DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.2c00942. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/33360. Acesso em: 19 Apr 2024.
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