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Artigo IPEN-doc 28127 Surface properties enhancement by sulfur-doping TiO2 films2021 - BENTO, RODRIGO T.; CORREA, OLANDIR V.; ANTUNES, RENATO A.; PILLIS, MARINA F.TiO2 films were sulfur-doped through an alternative route based on the decomposition of H2S at low temperatures. MOCVD technique was used to grown the films on borosilicate glass substrates at 400 °C. The doping was carried out at 50, 100 and 150 °C under a mixture of H2-2%v.H2S. SO42− groups were observed in the surface revealing the substitution of Ti4+ by S6+. Superficial roughness and wettability were also modified by the formation of these sulfate groups on the surface. Photocatalytic experiments of methyl-orange dye decolorization under visible light indicated that the 8 at.% S-TiO2 film exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity, with 72.1% of dye decolorization. The results suggest that the exposition of TiO2 films to the mixture H2-H2S at low temperatures is an efficient method of doping. These films allow the decolorization of the dye under visible light irradiation, which enable its practical use under sunlight or even indoor.Artigo IPEN-doc 27737 On the surface chemistry and the reuse of sulfur-doped TiO2 films as photocatalysts2021 - BENTO, RODRIGO T.; CORREA, OLANDIR V.; PILLIS, MARINA F.The surface chemistry and recyclability of sulfur-doped titanium dioxide (TiO2) films was evaluated. The photocatalysts were grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) at 400 ◦C. The films were sulfur-doped at 50 ◦C by using hydrogen sulfide (H2S) as sulfur source. The photocatalytic behavior of the films was measure by monitoring the methyl orange dye decolorization under visible light for several cycles. The films are formed only for the anatase crystalline phase. The results demonstrated that no structural modifications or significant differences in the morphology of the films occurred after their use. The sulfur-doped TiO2 films presented good photocatalytic activity, with an efficiency of 72.1% under visible light in its first use. The durability experiments suggest that even with the dye impregnation on the catalyst surface, the photocatalytic activity of the S-doped TiO2 films remained around 70% in the first 3 cycles, which allows their practical application for water treatment and purification under sunlight.Artigo IPEN-doc 27557 Visible-light photocatalytic activity and recyclability of N-doped TiO2 films grown by MOCVD2020 - OLIVEIRA, E.C. de; BENTO, R.T.; CORREA, O.V.; PILLIS, M.F.Nitrogen-doped TiO2 films were grown on borosilicate glass substrates at 400 °C by the metallorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) for removing dye from water under visible light. The effect of N-doping on the structural, surface, and photocatalytic properties of films was evaluated. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses revealed that 1.56 and 2.44 at% of nitrogen were incorporated into the films by varying the NH3 flux during the growth. Methyl orange dye degradation experiments showed that the N-doped films presented photoactivity under visible light. The film containing 2.44 at% of nitrogen exhibited the best photocatalytic behavior, with 55% of efficiency. Recyclability tests under visible light showed that the film efficiency dropped gradually after each test. N-TiO2 films grown by MOCVD have the potential to be used in environmental applications by removing pollutants using a green method under sunlight or even under internal illumination, although its reuse is limited.Artigo IPEN-doc 27162 Effect of growth parameters on the photocatalytic performance of TiO2 films prepared by MOCVD2020 - MARCELLO, BIANCA A.; CORREA, OLANDIR V.; BENTO, RODRIGO T.; PILLIS, MARINA F.The present study evaluated the main factors that influence the photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide (TiO2) films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) at 400 and 500 °C, in different growth times. The photocatalytic behavior was analyzed by measuring the methyl orange dye degradation at different pH values. Structural and morphological characteristics, and the recyclability of the catalysts for several cycles were also investigated. Anatase phase was identified in all films. The higher photodegradation performances were obtained at acidic pH. The results demonstrated that the photocatalyst thickness is an important parameter in heterogenous photocatalysis. The best photocatalytic result occurred for the 395 nm-thick TiO2 film grown at 400 °C, which presented 65.3% of the dye degradation under UV light. The recyclability experiments demonstrated that the TiO2 films grown by MOCVD present a great stability after several photocatalytic cycles, which allows their practical application for water treatment with high efficiency.Artigo IPEN-doc 26759 Caracterização morfológica de filmes de TiO2 dopados com nitrogênio crescidos por MOCVD2019 - OLIVEIRA, E.C. de; CORREA, O.V.; BENTO, R.T.; COTINHO, S.P.; SANTOS, T.F. dos; PILLIS, M.F.O método de deposição química de organometálicos em fase vapor (MOCVD) foi utilizado para o crescimento de filmes de dióxido de titânio (TiO2) e TiO2 dopado com nitrogênio. Os filmes foram crescidos a 400 °C sobre substratos de vidro borossilicato. Isopropóxido de titânio IV foi utilizado como precursor de titânio e de oxigênio, e amônia (NH3) como fonte de nitrogênio. Análises por microscopia de força atômica (AFM) mostraram que ambos os filmes apresentaram grãos bem definidos e arredondados. Todos os filmes são formados apenas pela fase cristalina anatase. Os resultados mostraram que a dopagem com nitrogênio resultou em uma diminuição no tamanho médio de grão e na rugosidade superficial.Artigo IPEN-doc 26757 Avaliação do efeito da morfologia e da espessura de filmes de TiO2 na degradação do corante alaranjado de metila2019 - BENTO, R.T.; CORREA, O.V.; COTINHO, S.P.; SANTOS, T.F. dos; PILLIS, M.F.Filmes de TiO2 com diferentes espessuras foram crescidos por MOCVD sobre vidro borossilicato a 400°C. Os efeitos das características morfológicas e da espessura dos filmes sobre sua atividade fotocatalítica foram avaliados a partir da degradação do corante alaranjado de metila sob luz UVA. Os resultados apontaram a existência de um valor ideal de espessura, no qual o catalisador exibe o melhor desempenho fotocatalítico. O filme de TiO2 com espessura de 470 nm exibiu o melhor comportamento, com uma eficiência de 65,3 % em 5 horas de uso. O filme apresentou uma elevada estabilidade fotocatalítica, após diversos ciclos de utilização, o que permite a sua aplicação prática no tratamento de água a partir de um método verde, e com alta durabilidade e eficiênciaArtigo IPEN-doc 26547 Reativação e reutilização de fotocatalisadores de TiO2 dopados com enxofre em baixa temperatura2019 - BENTO, RODRIGO T.; CORREA, OLANDIR V.; PILLIS, MARINA F.O presente estudo avaliou a possibilidade de reutilização fotocatalítica dos filmes de dióxido de titânio (TiO2) dopados com enxofre em baixa temperatura. Os filmes foram crescidos por deposição química de organometálicos em fase vapor (MOCVD) a 400°C. A dopagem com enxofre foi realizada a 50°C por um processo semelhante ao utilizado na dessulfuração do sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S). O comportamento fotocatalítico e a durabilidade dos filmes foram medidos a partir da degradação do corante alaranjado de metila sob luz visível por vários ciclos. Os filmes são formados apenas pela fase cristalina anatase. Os resultados demonstraram que não houve modificações estruturais ou diferenças significativas na morfologia dos filmes após a sua utilização. Os filmes de TiO2 dopados com enxofre apresentaram uma excelente atividade fotocatalítica, com uma eficiência de 72,1% sob luz visível. Os experimentos de durabilidade sugerem que, mesmo com a impregnação de corante na superfície do catalisador, os filmes de TiO2 dopados apresentaram boa estabilidade fotocatalítica após diversas horas de uso, o que permite sua aplicação prática no tratamento e purificação da água sob luz solar com elevada eficiência.Artigo IPEN-doc 26485 Photocatalytic activity of undoped and sulfur-doped TiO2 films grown by MOCVD for water treatment under visible light2019 - BENTO, RODRIGO T.; CORREA, OLANDIR V.; PILLIS, MARINA F.Titanium dioxide ceramic coatings have been used as catalysts in green technologies for water treatment. However, without the presence of a dopant, its photocatalytic activity is limited to the ultraviolet radiation region. The photocatalytic activity and the structural characteristics of undoped and sulfur-doped TiO2 films grown at 400 °C by metallorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) were studied. The photocatalytic behavior of the films was evaluated by methyl orange dye degradation under visible light. The results suggested the substitution of Ti4+ cations by S6+ ions into TiO2 structure of the doped samples. SO4 2− groups were observed on the surface. S-TiO2 film exhibited good photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation, and the luminous intensity strongly influences the photocatalytic behavior of the S-TiO2 films. The results supported the idea that the sulfur-doped TiO2 films grown by MOCVD may be promising catalysts for water treatment under sunlight or visible light bulbs.Artigo IPEN-doc 25006 Characterization and photocatalytic behavior of TiO2 thin films grown by MOCVD process2017 - BENTO, RODRIGO T.; OLIVEIRA, EDUARDO C. de; SZURKALO, MARGARIDA; CORREA, OLANDIR V.; PILLIS, MARINA F.This research aims to evaluate the influence of the thickness on the photocatalytic behavior of TiO2 thin films grown at 400ºC by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Titanium dioxide films with 280 and 468 nm of thickness were grown on borosilicate substrates. The photocatalytic behavior was evaluated by monitoring the degradation of methyl orange dye under UV light for 2h. The results show that both films presented anatase crystalline phase and that increasing the thickness the grain size and the roughness were also increased. The best photocatalytic performance was attributed to the film of 468 nm of thickness that exhibited 40% of dye degradation after 2h under UV light.Artigo IPEN-doc 24951 Morphological characterization of N-doped TiO2 thin films2017 - OLIVEIRA, EDUARDO C. de; SZURKALO, MARGARIDA; CORREA, OLANDIR V.; BENTO, RODRIGO T.; PILLIS, MARINA F.Metallorganic chemical vapor deposition was used to grown TiO2 and N-doped TiO2 on borosilicate substrates at 400°C. Titanium isopropoxide IV was used as titanium and oxygen precursors and ammonia as nitrogen source. Analyses by atomic force microscopy showed that both films presented rounded well-defined grains. The results showed that nitrogen doping resulted in a decrease in the mean grain size and in the surface roughness.