
Niklaus Ursus Wetter holds a BA in Physics from the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - ETH (1988 - Switzerland) and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Technology from the Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research (1993). He is currently a senior researcher at the National Nuclear Energy Commission at IPEN / SP and a postgraduate professor at the University of São Paulo ? USP, where he regularly teaches a subject. From 2009 to 2013 he was deputy manager of the Center for Lasers and Applications at IPEN / SP. From 2013 to 2018 he held the position of manager of the Center for Lasers and Applications at IPEN / SP. From 2014 to 2020 he held the position of CEO of FAFITPE, IPEN's Foundation for Support and Promotion of Technological Innovation in Research and Education. Since 2019 he has held the position of Deputy Director of Research and Internationalization Manager at IPEN. As manager of Internationalization, he has so far implemented 14 bilateral agreements with universities and institutes around the world, including the Battelle Energy Alliance, which encompasses eight of the largest federal research institutions in the US. In 2018 he was responsible for organizing the André Swieca Summer School and the São Paulo School of Advanced Science FAPESP "" with 141 students, 40 of whom came from outside Latin America. He specializes in laser development and operates in the main segments: Diode lasers, waveguides, solid state lasers, laser applications in life sciences, lasers in nuclear applications, optical spectroscopy and materials for laser media in general. Since 2008 he has been developing light sources in disordered materials, or "Random Lasers", for the purpose of applications in optical devices. In 2017, he acquired, through a FAPESP project, a Raman-TERS (AFM) multiuser equipment with STM and SNOM, focused on measurements and development of nanomaterials. He has 4 patent letters and 7 applications in total, 190 international articles with over 2000 citations and an h factor of 26 (Scopus). (Text obtained from the Currículo Lattes on October 14th 2021)

Niklaus Ursus Wetter é bacharel em Física pela Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - ETH (1988 - Suíça) e Doutor em Tecnologia Nuclear pelo Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (1993). Atualmente é pesquisador titular da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear no IPEN/SP-USP e docente de pós-graduação da Universidade de São Paulo ? USP, onde ministra regularmente uma disciplina. De 2009 a 2013 foi gerente adjunto do Centro de Lasers e Aplicações do IPEN/SP. De 2013 até 2018 ocupou o cargo de gerente do Centro de Lasers e Aplicações do IPEN/SP. De 2014 até 2020 ocupou o cargo de diretor-presidente da FAFITPE, Fundação de Apoio e Fomento a Inovação Tecnológica a Pesquisa e ao Ensino do IPEN. Desde 2019 ocupa o cargo de Vice-diretor de Pesquisa e gerente de Internacionalização do IPEN. Na função de gerente da Internacionalização, ele implementou até agora 14 acordos bilaterais com universidades e institutos de toda parte do mundo, entre estes a Battelle Energy Alliance que engloba oito das maiores instituições federais de pesquisa dos EUA. Em 2018 foi o responsável pela organização da Escola de Verão André Swieca e a Escola São Paulo de Ciencia Avançada FAPESP "" com 141 alunos dos quais 40 de fora da america latina. Foi editor associado das revistas Optics Express e Optical Materials Express e atualmente atua como editor associado da revista Frontiers, especialidade Optical Nanostructures. É especialista em desenvolvimento de lasers e atua nos principais segmentos: Lasers de diodo, Guias de onda, Lasers de estado sólido, Aplicações de lasers nas ciências da vida, Lasers em aplicações nucleares, Espectroscopia ótica e materiais para meios Laser em geral. Desde 2008 desenvolve fontes de luz em materiais desordenados, ou "Lasers Randômicos", para fins de aplicações em dispositivos ópticos. Possui 4 cartas de patente e 7 pedidos no total, 190 artigos internacionais com mais de 2000 citações e fator h de 26 (Scopus). (Texto extraído do Currículo Lattes em 14 out. 2021)

Projetos de Pesquisa
Unidades Organizacionais

Resultados de Busca

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  • Artigo IPEN-doc 24968
    Backscattered light properties during femtosecond laser ablation and development of a dynamic interferometric focusing system
    The backscattered light originated when machining with femtosecond laser pulses can be used to accurately measure the processed surface position through an interferometer, as recently demonstrated by our group, in a setup that uses the same laser beam for ablation and inspection. The present work explores the characteristics of the laser light reflected by the target and its interaction with the resulting plasma to better understand its propagation physics and to improve the dynamic focusing system. The origin of this returning radiation was studied and has been traced, mainly, from the peripheral area of the focal spot (doughnut-like). By means of a Mach-Zehnder setup, the interferometric pattern was measured and analyzed aiming to access the influences of the plasma on the laser beam properties, and therefore on the retrieved information. Finally, the wavefront of the laser that creates and propagates through the plasma was characterized using a Shack-Hartmann sensor.