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Resumo IPEN-doc 13668 Immunological properties of sup(60)Co gamma rays irradiated bothropstoxin-I2008 - BAPTISTA, J.A.; VIEIRA, D.P.; GALISTEO JUNIOR, A.J.; CAPRONI, P.; CASARE, M.; ANDRADE JUNIOR, H.F.; SPENCER, P.J.; NASCIMENTO, N.Artigo IPEN-doc 10604 Production of neutron-irradiated meglumine antimoniate and its biodistribution in healthy and Leishmania (L.) Chagasi infected mice2005 - BORBOREMA, S.E.T.; ANDRADE JUNIOR, H.F.; OLIVEIRA, A.; MURAMOTO, E.; OSSO JUNIOR, J.A.; NASCIMENTO, N.Artigo IPEN-doc 10724 Influence of reactive radicals OH and Esup(-)sub(AQ) in irradiation of protein in aqueous solutions2005 - BACETI, A.A.; CESARE, M.; SPENCER, P.J.; NASCIMENTO, N.Gamma irradiation of aqueous proteins solutions promotes structural modifications. This is mainly caused by OH • and eaq activity, reactive species produced by water radiolys. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of OH • and eaq in conformation changes observed in proteins irradiated in aqueous solutions. Substances that react specifically with OH • or eaq producing stable products were used in order to study each reactive species’ function: nitrate for eaq and t-butilic alcohol for OH • . Crotamine was used as test peptide. It is composed of 42 aminoacids, which are strongly reticulated by three disulfide bonds. This confers it a very compact conformation leading to high temperatures resistance. Crotamine also has a biological effect: mice hind limb distention. Samples of crotamine in aqueous solution were irradiated in order to analyze the activity of OH • and eaq. Some contemned t-butilic alcohol and others, sodium nitrate; the results were compared to control samples with no neutralizing substances. To verify possible protein conformation change due to sodium nitrate or t-butilic alcohol addition, samples with different concentrations of these substances were prepared, kept without irradiation and their results were compared to only protein solution. Samples were also submitted to a biological test Samples were submitted to SDS-PAGE, which did not show any alteration in those samples with t-butilic alcohol or sodium nitrate. In addition, the samples had their absorbance spectrum of 200 nm to 360 nm scanned which showed less conformation change in irradiated with t-butilic then only protein one. Irradiated samples had less biological effect than non-irradiated ones.Artigo IPEN-doc 12051 Radiochemical and biological evaluation of Ter-Cys-RGD derivarive labeled with the precursor [sup(99m)Tc(Hsub(2)O)sub(3)(CO)sub(3)]sup(+)2007 - TEODORO, RODRIGO; FAINTUCH, BLUMA L.; QUEIROZ, RODRIGO G.; MURAMOTO, EMIKO; MORGANTI, LIGIA; NASCIMENTO, NANCI doArtigo IPEN-doc 12049 sup(99m)Tc labeling of annexin fragment by two different techniques for detection of apoptosis in cancer2007 - FAINTUCH, BLUMA L.; TEODORO, RODRIGO; QUEIROZ, RODRIGO G.; MURAMOTO, EMIKO; CHURA-CHAMBI, ROSA M.; MORGANTI, LIGIA; NASCIMENTO, NANCIArtigo IPEN-doc 10775 Evaluation of toxic activity loss and maintenance of immunological properties of crotoxin after gamma irradiation2005 - SILVA, M.C.S.; SPENCER, P.J.; ALVES, J.B.; NASCIMENTO, N.Artigo IPEN-doc 10787 Metacyclic promastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis selection using gamma irradiation2005 - BONETTI, F.C.; ANDRADE JUNIOR, H.F.; NASCIMENTO, N.Leishmania spp. causes a spectrum of human diseases, ranging from self-healing skin lesions to severe and lethal visceral disease. In previous work we demonstrated that the protein and nucleic acid metabolism and oxidative respiration were severely affected by irradiation, in a dose response way, but a small but representative fractions are relatively radio resistant, surviving after 800 Gy of 60Co irradiation. The best explanation could be a selection of metacyclic promastigotes. In these forms, the G0 state allows the adequate correction of DNA repair after the irradiation insult. In this work, we are looking for the ideal radiation dose to select the higher proportion of metacyclic forms of L.. (L.) amazonensis in culture. Parasites were grown in RPMI 1640 medium, plus 20% fetal calf serum, than they were irradiated with differents doses rangin between 25 and 400 Gy. Parasites irradiated at 400 Gy infected, proportionally, more cells than parasites irradiated at other doses. To confirm this metacyclogenesis, a complement lysis assay was performed with 5, 10 and 20% of male guinea pig blood serum at 20ºC for 3 hours, and parasites counted. Guinea pig serum a 10% promotes more lysis, with 200 Gy irradiated parasites being less affected, probably due to metacyclic selection. These preliminary results suggests that the ionizing radiation, specially between 200 and 400 Gy, could be a alternative tool for the selection of metacyclic forms of Leishmania amazonensis in culture.Artigo IPEN-doc 10726 Influence of ionizing radiation on trypanosoma cruzi2005 - SZAROTA, R.M.; ANDRADE JUNIOR, H.F.; BAPTISTA, J.A.; DIAS, V.L.; GIMENES, A.P.; MARTINS, A.R.S.; NASCIMENTO, N.; PASSOS, L.A.C.Artigo IPEN-doc 10737 Immune response against bothropstoxin-I irradiated with sup(60) gamma rays2005 - BAPTISTA, J.A.; SPENCER, P.J.; HIGA, O.Z.; ANDRADE JUNIOR, H.F.; CESARE, M.S.; CAMPOS, L.A.; NASCIMENTO, N.Artigo IPEN-doc 15166 Irradiated T Cruzi and resistant consomic animals can be useful in chagas disease studies2009 - DIAS, VIVIANE L.; PASSOS, LUIZ A.C.; SPENCER, PATRICK J.; SALGADO, ANDREIA R.; NASCIMENTO, NANCI