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Capítulo IPEN-doc 06721 A simplified transformation approach to obtain structural calibration functions1998 - CRUZ, J.R.B.; LANDES, J.D.Artigo IPEN-doc 12368 Methodology to obtain semi-elliptical cracks in a nuclear reactor pressure vessel model2007 - VIDA GOMES, P.T.; BARRETO CRUZ, J.R.; MATTAR NETO, MIGUEL; MARTINS, G.A.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 10706 Numerical study of 3-D constraint effects in SE(B) specimens2004 - RABELLO, E.G.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; MATTAR NETO, M.; MIRANDA, C.A.J.Artigo IPEN-doc 08918 Determinacao da Temperatura de Referencia (Tsub(0)) de um aco DIN15Mo3 normalizado e tratado termicamente, simulando uma ZTA2001 - RABELLO, E.G.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; GODEFROID, L.B.Artigo IPEN-doc 11200 Routines for the assessment of cracked piping of PWR nuclear reactors primary systems2005 - MATTAR NETO, M.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; JONG, R.P.Artigo IPEN-doc 09842 Estudo comparativo de metodologias para obtencao do parametro inegral J atraves da analise por elementos finitos2003 - RABELLO, E.G.; CRUZ, J.R.B.; MATTAR NETO, M.; MIRANDA, C.A.J.Artigo IPEN-doc 06668 Avaliacao da integridade estrutural de vasos de pressao de reatores nucleares PWR1999 - CRUZ, J.R.B.; MATTAR NETO, M.Artigo IPEN-doc 06329 A common format approach for applying ductile fracture mechanics1997 - LANDES, J.D.; CRUZ, J.R.B.Artigo IPEN-doc 06328 A simplified transformation approach to obtain structural calibration functions1997 - CRUZ, JULIO R.B.; LANDES, J.D.In a ductile fracture methodology developed by Landes et al., the result from a laboratory test is used to predict the behavior of a strucunal component. Within the framework of this methodology, a critical step consists in obtaining the calibration function for the structural component. For those cases where the limit load solution for the structural component is known, a transformation procedure has been used to get the calibration function for the structure directly from that of a fracture toughness specimen. Although the transformation procedure does not involve complex calculations, it does require the user to follow several steps where point to point computations axe necessary. This makes the whole process laborious and time consuming. It will be shown in this paper that, with an additional assumption and without loss of accuracy, the transformation procedure can be greatly simplified. In the alternative procedure proposed here, the coefficients of the calibration function for the structure are obtained by simply scaling their counterparts for the fracture toughness specimen. This is accomplished with the use of two factors: a load factor and a deformation factor. Some examples are presented to demonstrate the convenience of this new procedure.Artigo IPEN-doc 04878 A discussion about simplified methodologies for failure assessment of nuclear reactor components1996 - CRUZ, J.R.B.; LANDES, J.D.; PAES de ANDRADE, A.H.