KHAN, LATIF U.BRITO, HERMI F.HOLSA, JORMAPIROTA, KLEBER R.MURACA, DIEGOFELINTO, MARIA C.F.C.TEOTONIO, ERCULES E.S.MALTA, OSCAR L.2015-02-062015-02-062014KHAN, LATIF U.; BRITO, HERMI F.; HOLSA, JORMA; PIROTA, KLEBER R.; MURACA, DIEGO; FELINTO, MARIA C.F.C.; TEOTONIO, ERCULES E.S.; MALTA, OSCAR L. Red-green emitting and superparamagnetic nanomarkers containing Fesub(3)Osub(4) functionalized with calixarene and rare earth complexes. <b>Inorganic Chemistry</b>, v. 53, p. 12902-12910, 2014. Disponível em: materialsluminescenceiron oxidesrare earth complexescalixarenesmagnetic propertiesbiological markersRed-green emitting and superparamagnetic nanomarkers containing Fesub(3)Osub(4) functionalized with calixarene and rare earth complexesArtigo de periódico53