SILVA, BARBARA P.G.SILVA, WILLIAN C. daSARAIVA, STEFANY R.OTUBO, LARISSA2024-12-022024-12-022024SILVA, BARBARA P.G.; SILVA, WILLIAN C. da; SARAIVA, STEFANY R.; OTUBO, LARISSA. Simple and fast preparation of transparent conductive films of silver nanowires obtained by a salt assisted polyol method. <b>Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society</b>, v. 35, n. 12, p. 1-9, 2024. DOI: <a href="">10.21577/0103-5053.20240120</a>. Disponível em: nanowires thin films have gained attention due to their excellent optical and electrical properties, being a potential material to be applied in optoelectronic devices as transparent conductive films, deposited on a substrate in a such way that forms a percolated network. We report the synthesis of silver nanowires with average length of 9.5 ± 0.4 μm and diameter of 75 ± 3 nm by a modified polyol method and fabrication of transparent and conductive thin films using a simple and low-cost technique as drop-casting. Additionally, we examined the influence of the drop-casting method in function of number of deposition cycles on the optical and electrical properties of the films through optical absorption and electrical resistance measurements using the two-point methodology. Increasing the number of silver nanowire deposition layers, the optical transmittance decreased from 97 (for one layer) to 60% (for five layers), and electrical resistance decreased from 940 ± 0.35 Ω for the 2-layer film to 32 ± 0.02 Ω, for the 5-layer film. Due to the electrical conductivity range of the produced silver nanowires films, we suggested their application in low-voltage circuits.1-9openAccesssilvernanowirescastingsolventselectric conductivityoptical propertiesthin filmsultraviolet spectrometersSimple and fast preparation of transparent conductive films of silver nanowires obtained by a salt assisted polyol methodArtigo de periódico123510.21577/0103-5053.20240120