VANONI, W.YUGUE, E.S.SAITOVITCH, E.B.ORLANDO, M.T.D.PASSOS, C.A.C.MARTINEZ, L.G.MELLO, E.V.L.ZEINI, B.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01VANONI, W.; YUGUE, E.S.; SAITOVITCH, E.B.; ORLANDO, M.T.D.; PASSOS, C.A.C.; MARTINEZ, L.G.; MELLO, E.V.L.; ZEINI, B. Hg, Re-1223 system: Tc dependence on hydrostatic pressure and thermopower measurements. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE FISICA DA MATERIA CONDENSADA, 24., 15-19 maio, 2001, Sao Lourenco, SP. <b>Resumos...</b> p. 363. Disponível em: superconductorsmercuryrheniumhydrostaticsdoped materialshubbard modelHg, Re-1223 system: Tc dependence on hydrostatic pressure and thermopower measurementsResumo de eventos científicos