CHANDRA, U.AOKI, P.E.SILVA, J.A.R.CASTAGNET, A.C.2015-11-062015-11-062015-11-062015-11-061981CHANDRA, U.; AOKI, P.E.; SILVA, J.A.R.; CASTAGNET, A.C. Measurement of flow and direction of ground water by radioactive tracers: hydrological evaluation of a waste disposal site at 'Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN)'. 36p. (IPEN-PUB-28). Disponível em: rateground waterhydrologymeasuring methodsradioactive tracer loggingradioactive waste disposaltracer techniqueswaste disposalMeasurement of flow and direction of ground water by radioactive tracers: hydrological evaluation of a waste disposal site at 'Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN)'Série Publicação IPEN