COSTA, PRISCILASTIPP, WAGNERVICENTE, ROBERTOMACHADO, NOE G.P.RAELE, MARCUS P.2023-02-062023-02-06COSTA, PRISCILA; STIPP, WAGNER; VICENTE, ROBERTO; MACHADO, NOE G.P.; RAELE, MARCUS P. Study on the potential of laser ablation to decontaminate radioactive waste. In: LATIN AMERICA OPTICS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE, August 7-11, 2022, Recife, PE. <b>Proceedings...</b> Washington, DC, USA: Optica Publishing Group, 2022. DOI: <a href="">10.1364/LAOP.2022.W3B.2</a>. Disponível em: is a promising tool to decontaminate radioactive waste that is impregnated with radionuclides on its surface, the decontamination process has no chemical inputs, and the pollutants can be fixed in HEPA filters. The current study aimed to test a wide range of samples using 10 different materials and fluences ranging from 1 to 10 J/cm2.openAccesslasersablationradioactive wastesdecontaminationStudy on the potential of laser ablation to decontaminate radioactive wasteTexto completo de evento10.1364/LAOP.2022.W3B.20000-0002-6461-6766