ALVAREZ, M.A.CHAMON, L.C.PEREIRA, D.ROSSI JUNIOR, E.S.SILVA, C.P.GASQUES, L.R.DIAS, H.ROOS, M.O.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01ALVAREZ, M.A.; CHAMON, L.C.; PEREIRA, D.; ROSSI JUNIOR, E.S.; SILVA, C.P.; GASQUES, L.R.; DIAS, H.; ROOS, M.O. Experimental determination of the ion-ion potential in the N=50 target region: a tool to probe ground-state nuclear densities. In: REUNIAO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FISICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 22., 8-12 set, 1999, Sao Lourenco, MG. <b>Resumos...</b> p. 90. Disponível em: cross sectionsnuclear potentialoxygen 16 reactionsstrontium 88 targetzirconium 90 targetzirconium 92 targetmolybdenum 92 targetmev range 10-100coupled channel theorydata analysisnuclear matterground statesExperimental determination of the ion-ion potential in the N=50 target region: a tool to probe ground-state nuclear densitiesResumo de eventos científicos