ALMEIDA, B.E.OLIVEIRA, J.E.DAMIANI, R.SPIGOTI, G.DALMORA, S.L.BARTOLINI, P.RIBELA, M.T.C.P.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01ALMEIDA, B.E.; OLIVEIRA, J.E.; DAMIANI, R.; SPIGOTI, G.; DALMORA, S.L.; BARTOLINI, P.; RIBELA, M.T.C.P. Reversed-phase higg-performance liquid chromatography characterization of human menopausal gonadotropin preparations. In: REUNIAO ANUAL DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOQUIMICA E BIOLOGIA MOLECULAR, 39., 18-21 de maio, 2010, Foz do Iguacu, PR. <b>Resumos...</b> p. 68. Disponível em: liquid chromatographyfshluteinizing hormonehcghormoneschromatographycomparative evaluationsReversed-phase higg-performance liquid chromatography characterization of human menopausal gonadotropin preparationsResumo de eventos científicos