SOUZA, THIAGO L.S.NOGUEIRA, BEATRIZ R.CHINELLATO, ANNEDRUMOND, WALKER S.MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B. de2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-012014-11-172014-11-182015-04-01SOUZA, THIAGO L.S.; NOGUEIRA, BEATRIZ R.; CHINELLATO, ANNE; DRUMOND, WALKER S.; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B. de. Effects of piassava fiber incorporation on the morphological thermal and behaviour of HDPE composite. In: ANNUAL MEETING & EXHIBITION, 140th, February 27 - March 3, 2011, San Diego, California. <b>Proceedings...</b> DisponÃvel em: materialsreinforced materialsfibersmorphologyviscosityelasticityscanning electron microscopycalorimetrythermal gravimetric analysisEffects of piassava fiber incorporation on the morphological thermal and behaviour of HDPE compositeTexto completo de evento