BOSCH-SANTOS, B.NASCIMENTO, N.SAIKI, M.CORREA, E.L.SALES, T.S.PEREIRA, L.F.CABRERA-PASCA, G.A.CARBONARI, A.W.2020-03-272020-03-27BOSCH-SANTOS, B.; NASCIMENTO, N.; SAIKI, M.; CORREA, E.L.; SALES, T.S.; PEREIRA, L.F.; CABRERA-PASCA, G.A.; CARBONARI, A.W. Magnetic field at Ce impurities in La sites of LaBaMn2O6 double perovskites. In: JOINT MMM-INTERMAG CONFERENCE, January 14-18, 2019, Washington, DC, USA. <b>Abstract...</b> Melville, NY, USA; Piscataway, NJ, USA: AIP Publishing; IEEE Magnetics, 2019. p. 759-760. DisponÃvel em: behavior in LaBaMn2O6 double perovskite compounds has been investigated with various techniques, due to the rich variety of electromagnetic properties, such as a colossal magnetoresistance, charge and orbital ordering, and metal-insulator transition. In this paper, we have used a nuclear and short-range technique, the Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC) spectroscopy, to investigate the magnetic hyperfine field at the 140Ce nucleus of Ce impurities occupying La sites. The radioactive 140La nuclei with a half-life of 40.8 h were produced by direct activation of natural La present in the samples through the irradiation with neutrons in the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor of IPEN. The PAC measurements were carried out with a six BaF2 detector spectrometer at several temperatures between 10 K and 400 K. This double perovskite samples were synthesized by sol-gel route. The crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction and the analyses showed that this method produced perovskite oxides with cubic structure in Pm-3m space group. This phase occurs due to an oxygen deficiency. The local properties investigated by PAC spectroscopy revealed a ferromagnetic transition temperature above 300 K and an anomalous behavior of the temperature dependence of magnetic hyperfine field at La sites, which can be ascribed to the contribution of 4f band of Ce to Bhf at low temperatures due to the increase in its localized character.759-760openAccessMagnetic field at Ce impurities in La sites of LaBaMn2O6 double perovskitesResumo de eventos cientÃficos0000-0002-4499-59490000-0003-2197-3592