MARASHI, M.K.MAIORINO, J.R.MENDONCA, A.G.SANTOS, A.2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-012014-11-172014-11-182015-04-01MARASHI, M.K.; MAIORINO, J.R.; MENDONCA, A.G.; SANTOS, A. IRANLIB (Improved Range of ANISN/PC Library): P-3 coupled neutron-gamma cross-section libraries in ISOTXS format to be used by ANISN/PC (CCC-0514/02). In: 8th ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE FISICA DE REATORES E TERMOHIDRAULICA, September, 17-20, 1991, Atibaia, SP. p. 29-36. Disponível em: codesneutronsgamma radiationIRANLIB (Improved Range of ANISN/PC Library): P-3 coupled neutron-gamma cross-section libraries in ISOTXS format to be used by ANISN/PC (CCC-0514/02)Texto completo de evento