FAROOQ, SAJIDRATIVA, DIEGOARAUJO, RENATO E. de2024-03-042024-03-042023FAROOQ, SAJID; RATIVA, DIEGO; ARAUJO, RENATO E. de. Quantitative analysis of high performance plasmonic metamolecules for targeted deep tissues applications. <b>Plasmonics</b>, v. 18, n. 6, p. 2475–2482, 2023. DOI: <a href="https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11468-023-01960-4">10.1007/s11468-023-01960-4</a>. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/47897.1557-1955https://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/47897Rationally designed gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) show a great potential for biomedical applications. Specifically, for optically induced heating of deep tissues facilitated by plasmonic-assisted lasers, nanostructures with high optical absorption coefficient in biological window are required. Plasmonic metamolecules, such as gold nanodimers (NDs), exhibit a robust localized field enhancement with strong infrared optical absorption. However, an exclusive investigation of the optical/ thermal features of high-performance Au NDs for optical infrared heating remains a challenge. Here, we focus on Au NDs for optothermal characteristics in deep tissues heating procedures. Our analysis encompasses parameters such as absorption cross-sections, field enhancement, and temperature rise with a systematic methodology selecting optimal NDs. Our findings reveal a non-uniform spatial distribution of temperature at the nano-scale and show that short-pulsed laser excitation enhances the temperature near the dimer’s junction. Remarkably, when compared to monomeric gold nanorods under the same excitation resonance mode, optically generated heating of Au NDs leads a threefold higher temperature increase. These results evidence valuable insights for using Au NDs as efficient plasmonic nanoheaters in photothermal-assisted applications.2475–2482openAccessnanostructuresgoldnanoparticlesmetamaterialsdifferential thermal analysisQuantitative analysis of high performance plasmonic metamolecules for targeted deep tissues applicationsArtigo de periódico61810.1007/s11468-023-01960-451.261.67