DEPPMAN, A.GUAL, M.R.HOYOS, O.R.COELHO, P.R.P.2014-11-192014-11-192015-04-012014-11-192014-11-192015-04-01DEPPMAN, A.; GUAL, M.R.; HOYOS, O.R.; COELHO, P.R.P. Updating of two-step model for the neutron interaction with the DNA in BNCT research facility of IPEN. In: REUNIAO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FISICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 25., 31 ago. - 4 set, 2002, Sao Pedro, SP. <b>Resumo...</b> DisponÃvel em: devicesneutron capture therapyborondnastrand breaksplasmidsneutronsUpdating of two-step model for the neutron interaction with the DNA in BNCT research facility of IPENResumo de eventos cientÃficos