COLTURATO, MARIA T.DIAS, LUIS A.P.PUJATTI, PRISCILLA B.FUKUMORI, NEUZAMATSUDA, MARGARETH M.N.MENGATTI, JAIRARAUJO, ELAINE B. de2014-08-062014-08-062014-08-062014-08-062011COLTURATO, MARIA T.; DIAS, LUIS A.P.; PUJATTI, PRISCILLA B.; FUKUMORI, NEUZA; MATSUDA, MARGARETH M.N.; MENGATTI, JAIR; ARAUJO, ELAINE B. de. Development of the new radiopharmceutical 68Ga-DOTATATE in IPEN-CNEN/SP. <b>ALASBIMN Journal</b>, v. ano 14, n. 54, 2011. DisponÃvel em: cnenradiopharmaceuticalsgallium 68labelled compoundsradiochemistryimpuritiesthin-layer chromatographyhigh-performance liquid chromatographyDevelopment of the new radiopharmceutical 68Ga-DOTATATE in IPEN-CNEN/SPResumos em periódicos54ano 14