BARBEZAN, A.B.BISPO, A.C.A.MENDES, B.M.VIEIRA, D.P.CARVALHO, L.R.MACHADO-SANTELLI, G.M.VILLAVICENCIO, A.L.C.H.2024-10-252024-10-25BARBEZAN, A.B.; BISPO, A.C.A.; MENDES, B.M.; VIEIRA, D.P.; CARVALHO, L.R.; MACHADO-SANTELLI, G.M.; VILLAVICENCIO, A.L.C.H. Evaluations of the possible mutagenic and genotoxic effects of 2-ACBs: byproducts generated from irradiated foods. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, May 6-10, 2024, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. <b>Proceedings...</b> Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2024. p. 1-4. Disponível em: of the possible mutagenic and genotoxic effects of 2-ACBsTexto completo de evento