ANDRADE, E.MENEZES, J.C.M.DUARTE, S.B.GARCIA, F.ROSSI, P.C.R.TAVARES, O.A.P.DEPPMAN, A.2014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312011ANDRADE, E.; MENEZES, J.C.M.; DUARTE, S.B.; GARCIA, F.; ROSSI, P.C.R.; TAVARES, O.A.P.; DEPPMAN, A. Fragment mass distributions in the fission of heavy nucley by intermediate and high-energy probes. <b>Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics</b>, v. 38, n. 8, p. 085104-1 - 085104-12, 2011. Disponível em: - 085104-12openAccessamericium 241 targetcomparative evaluationscompound nucleicomputerized simulationexperimental datafission fragmentsheavy ion reactionsmass distributionmonte carlo methodneptunium 237 targetnuclear cascadesphotonsscission-point modeltheoretical datauranium 238 targetprotonsFragment mass distributions in the fission of heavy nucley by intermediate and high-energy probesArtigo de periódico838