VIZEU, D.M.PAIANO SOBRINHO, S.2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-022014-11-172014-11-182015-04-02VIZEU, D.M.; PAIANO SOBRINHO, S. Some data and general considerations about health physics procedure concerning the use of a 400 Kv van De Graaff, at IEA, Sao Paulo. In: STUDY GROUP MEETING ON THE UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, Nov. 4-8, 1963, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. Disponível em: neutronsisodose curvesneutron sourcesradiation detectorsradiation monitoringradiation protectionrbesurvey monitorsvan de graaff acceleratorsSome data and general considerations about health physics procedure concerning the use of a 400 Kv van De Graaff, at IEA, Sao PauloTexto completo de evento