GIMBO, E.K.RIBELA, M.T.C.P.BORGHI, V.C.SCHWARZ, I.DIAS, L.E.M.ARAUJO, E.A.BARTOLINI, P.2015-11-062015-11-062015-11-062015-11-061988GIMBO, E.K.; RIBELA, M.T.C.P.; BORGHI, V.C.; SCHWARZ, I.; DIAS, L.E.M.; ARAUJO, E.A.; BARTOLINI, P. Smallscale extraction and radioiodination of human hormones for the substitution of imported radioimmunoassay reagents. 13p. (IPEN-PUB-181). Disponível em: serumsiodinationpituitary hormonesproductionradioimmunoassaySmallscale extraction and radioiodination of human hormones for the substitution of imported radioimmunoassay reagentsSérie Publicação IPEN