SANTOS, ADIMIR dosANDRADE e SILVA, G.S.D.FANARO, LEDA C.C.B.YAMAGUCHI, MITSUOJEREZ, ROGERIOABE, ALFREDO Y.FUGA, RINALDO2014-12-172014-12-172014-12-172014-12-172008SANTOS, ADIMIR dos; ANDRADE e SILVA, G.S.D.; FANARO, LEDA C.C.B.; YAMAGUCHI, MITSUO; JEREZ, ROGERIO; ABE, ALFREDO Y.; FUGA, RINALDO. Critical loading configurations of the IPEN/MB-01 reactor with UOsub(2), stainless and copper roads LEU-COMP-THERM-044. <b>International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments</b>. DisponĂvel em: reactorconfiguration controlbenchmarksCritical loading configurations of the IPEN/MB-01 reactor with UOsub(2), stainless and copper roads LEU-COMP-THERM-044CapĂtulo de livroInternational Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments