OLIVEIRA, M.FERREIRA JUNIOR, J.M.BAKER, M.A.ROSSI, J.COSTA, I.2017-03-212017-03-21OLIVEIRA, M.; FERREIRA JUNIOR, J.M.; BAKER, M.A.; ROSSI, J.; COSTA, I. Desenvolvimento e caracterização de filmes finos de oxalato para a proteção à corrosão de zinco metálico. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA E CIENCIA DOS MATERIAIS, 22., 06-10 de novembro, 2016, Natal, RN. <b>Anais...</b> p. 834-845. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/27238.http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/27238This work aims to develop and characterize surface treatments for corrosion protection of zinc. Oxalic acid (OA) was used and the concentration range se-lected was from 10-1 M to 1 M. The chemical composition of the layers formed was evaluated by XPS, and the morphology and thickness, by FIB and EDS, respectively. The corrosion resistance was monitored by Electrochemical Im-pedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The results showed that a zinc oxalate layer had been formed in both concentrations but of different thickness and crystal sizes but similar morphology. The EIS results showed that the layer formed in the lower concentration solution provided corrosion protection for long periods whereas the one obtained at higher concentration did not protect the surface. The results led to conclude that one of the treatments tested is highly indicated for corrosion protection of zinc.834-845openAccesscorrosion protectionimpedanceoxalic acidscanning electron microscopysurface coatingsurface treatmentsx-ray photoelectron spectroscopyzincDesenvolvimento e caracterização de filmes finos de oxalato para a proteção à corrosão de zinco metálicoDevelopment and characterization of oxalate coatings for the corrosion protection of metallic zincTexto completo de eventohttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-4987-3334https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8304-9939