GARCIA, RAFAEL H.L.SALIBA-SILVA, ADONIS M.LIMA, NELSON B. de2019-02-152019-02-15GARCIA, RAFAEL H.L.; SALIBA-SILVA, ADONIS M.; LIMA, NELSON B. de. Quantification of crystalline phases of uranium silicide using the Rietveld method. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA E CIÊNCIA DOS MATERIAIS, 23., 04-08 de novembro, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. <b>Anais...</b> p. 5707-5712. Disponível em: silicide is a material widely used as nuclear fuel for MTR (Material Testing Reactor), due to its performance in reactor environment. Some of its characteristics make it also attractive for its use in power reactors. However, each crystalline phase of uranium silicide have different behavior under irradiation. In this sense, it is important to perform crystalline phase characterizations, which are commonly obtained in the fabrication process. For this purpose, in this work U-Si alloys containing 33, 40, 41, 42, 50 and 67 mol% of silicon were molten in an induction furnace. Quantification of formed crystalline phases was carried out by Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction data. Calculated densities were compared to measured data from helium pycnometry.5707-5712openAccessuranium silicidesnuclear fuelscrystallizationreactor materialsintermetallic compoundsx-ray diffractionQuantification of crystalline phases of uranium silicide using the Rietveld methodTexto completo de eventoaguardando