BARRETO, A.M.F.BEZERRA, F.H.R.SUGUIO, K.TATUMI, S.H.YEE, M.PAIVA, R.P.SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.J.A.2014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312002BARRETO, A.M.F.; BEZERRA, F.H.R.; SUGUIO, K.; TATUMI, S.H.; YEE, M.; PAIVA, R.P.; SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.J.A. Late Pleistocene marine terrace deposits in northeastern Brazil: sea-level change and tectonic implications. <b>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology</b>, v. 179, n. 1/2, p. 57-69, 2002. DisponÃvel em: depositspleistocene epochsea leveltectonicsage estimationluminescencethermoluminescencesedimentsbrazilLate Pleistocene marine terrace deposits in northeastern Brazil: sea-level change and tectonic implicationsArtigo de periódico1/2179