RAMANATHAN, L.V.FERNANDES, S.M.C.CORREA, O.V.SOUZA, J.A. deANTUNES, R.A.OLIVEIRA, M.C.L. de2020-05-292020-05-29RAMANATHAN, L.V.; FERNANDES, S.M.C.; CORREA, O.V.; SOUZA, J.A. de; ANTUNES, R.A.; OLIVEIRA, M.C.L. de. Coatings for safe long term wet storage of spent Al-clad research reactor fuels. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH REACTORS: SAFE MANAGEMENT AND EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION, November 16-20, 2015, Vienna, Austria. <b>Proceedings...</b> Vienna, Austria: International Atomic Energy Agency, 2015. p. 1-8. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/31216.http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/31216Pitting corrosion of the aluminium cladding of spent research reactor (RR) fuels in wet storage has been observed and the use of conversion coatings to protect the cladding was proposed. A coating prepared by conventional chemical processing as opposed to electrochemical processing is the only option due to constraints related to the shape of the fuel and its high radioactivity. Hence, hydrotalcite (HTC) and boehmite were considered. This paper presents: (a) preparation of hydrotalcite (HTC) coatings from different baths followed by post-coating treatments; (b) corrosion behavior of HTC coated AA 6061 alloy; (c) results of field studies in which uncoated and HTC coated AA 6061 alloy coupons and plates, the latter assembled as a dummy fuel element, were exposed to the IEA-R1 reactor spent fuel basin for extended periods. The laboratory and field tests revealed marked improvements in the corrosion resistance of HTC coated specimens, coupons and plates. The mechanism of corrosion protection is presented.1-8openAccesscladdingcoatingscorrosion protectioncorrosion resistanceiear-1 reactorpitting corrosionspent fuelswet storageCoatings for safe long term wet storage of spent Al-clad research reactor fuelsTexto completo de eventohttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4822-8840