MARTINEZ, L.G.ICHIKAWA, R.U.IMAKUMA, K.ORLANDO, M.T.D.TURRILLAS, X.2016-06-232016-06-23MARTINEZ, L.G.; ICHIKAWA, R.U.; IMAKUMA, K.; ORLANDO, M.T.D.; TURRILLAS, X. Synchrotron diffraction characterization of alternative powder diffraction standards. In: ENCONTRO CIENTÍFICO DE FÍSICA APLICADA, 5., 25-28 de maio, 2014, Domingos Martins, ES. <b>Anais...</b> Disponível em: evaluationscalibration standardspowdersdiffractionsynchrotronsx-ray diffractionheatoxidessiliconSynchrotron diffraction characterization of alternative powder diffraction standardsTexto completo de evento