MACHADO, LEANDRO M.ROSSI, WAGNER deVIEIRA JUNIOR, NILSON D.SAMAD, RICARDO E.2017-02-222017-02-22MACHADO, LEANDRO M.; ROSSI, WAGNER de; VIEIRA JUNIOR, NILSON D.; SAMAD, RICARDO E. D-Scan determination of BK7 ultrashort pulses ablation parameters temporal dependence. In: FRONTIERS IN OPTICS/LASER SCIENCE, October 17-21, 2016, Rochester, New York, USA. <b>Proceedings...</b> DisponÃvel em: D-Scan technique was used to quickly measure the BK7 ablation threshold for many superpositions and ultrashort pulses temporal widths, allowing the determination of the ablation parameters dependence on the pulses duration.openAccesscat scanningpulsesablationD-Scan determination of BK7 ultrashort pulses ablation parameters temporal dependenceTexto completo de evento