SANTOS, I.RFAVARO, D.I.T.CAVALLARO, G.P.M.SILVA FILHO, E.SCHAEFER, C.2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-022014-11-172014-11-182015-04-02SANTOS, I.R; FAVARO, D.I.T.; CAVALLARO, G.P.M.; SILVA FILHO, E.; SCHAEFER, C. Influence of source rocks on geochemistry of sediments of the King George Island, Antarctica: evidence from trace and rare earth elements in coastal sediment cores. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOQUIMICA, 10.; SIMPOSIO DE GEOQUIMICA DOS PAISES DO MERCOSUL, 2., 30 out. - 04 nov, 2005, Porto de Galinhas, PE. <b>Anais...</b> Disponível em: earthsweatheringcoastal regionsenvironmentdiagenesisInfluence of source rocks on geochemistry of sediments of the King George Island, Antarctica: evidence from trace and rare earth elements in coastal sediment coresTexto completo de evento