VEGA, L.E.R.LEIVA, D.R.SILVA, W.B.LEAL NETO, R.M.ISHIKAWA, T.T.BOTTA, W.J.2017-03-212017-03-21VEGA, L.E.R.; LEIVA, D.R.; SILVA, W.B.; LEAL NETO, R.M.; ISHIKAWA, T.T.; BOTTA, W.J. Elaboração mecânica do intermetálico TiFe para armazenagem de hidrogênio. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA E CIENCIA DOS MATERIAIS, 22., 06-10 de novembro, 2016, Natal, RN. <b>Anais...</b> p. 5048-5058. Disponível em: powders of Ti and Fe in the stoichiometric ratio 50:50 were submitted to mechanical alloying for 2, 6, 10 and 20 h in a planetary ball mill. The synthesis of TiFe intermetallic with high yield was achieved for all milling times. The structural characterization of the samples revealed the trend of the particles to form agglomerates and the formation of cracks. H-absorption capacities of 0,74; 0,90; 0,97 and 0,95 wt. % (at room temperature and 20 bar of H2) were obtained for processing times of 2, 6, 10 and 20 h, respectively, without using a thermal activation process after milling.5048-5058openAccesshydrogen storageintermetallic compoundsiron alloyspowdersstoichiometrysynthesistitanium alloysElaboração mecânica do intermetálico TiFe para armazenagem de hidrogênioMechanical alloying of TiFe intermetallic for hydrogen storageTexto completo de evento