LOPES, PATRICIA S.LUCO, DAYANE P.OLIVEIRA, PEDRO G.RUFINO, IASMIN M.HERBST, ESTELA B.GRECCO, GIULIAMATHOR, MONICA B.SILVA, HERSON D.T.ANDREO, MARCIO A.LEITE SILVA, VANIA R.2016-01-112016-01-11LOPES, PATRICIA S.; LUCO, DAYANE P.; OLIVEIRA, PEDRO G.; RUFINO, IASMIN M.; HERBST, ESTELA B.; GRECCO, GIULIA; MATHOR, MONICA B.; SILVA, HERSON D.T.; ANDREO, MARCIO A.; LEITE SILVA, VANIA R. Criopass laser efficiency as an enhancer of caffeine and caffeisilane C permeation: 3D human skin equivalent as a model barrier. In: CRC ANNUAL MEETING AND EXPOSITION, 42th, July 26-29, 2015, Edinburgh, Scotland. <b>Proceedings...</b> DisponÃvel em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/25485.http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/25485openAccesslasersefficiencycaffeinepermeabilityskinin vitrocell culturesfibroblastshigh-performance liquid chromatographyCriopass laser efficiency as an enhancer of caffeine and caffeisilane C permeation: 3D human skin equivalent as a model barrierTexto completo de eventohttp://orcid.org/0000-0002-7294-9106