ESPOSITO, VINCENZOKABIR, AHSANULROSA, MASSIMONONG, NGO V.RODRIGUES, THENNER S.RODRIGUES, LAYS N.MACHADO, MARINA F.S.MORAES, LETICIA P.R.MARANI, DEBORAFONSECA, FABIO C.2019-08-082019-08-082019ESPOSITO, VINCENZO; KABIR, AHSANUL; ROSA, MASSIMO; NONG, NGO V.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; RODRIGUES, LAYS N.; MACHADO, MARINA F.S.; MORAES, LETICIA P.R.; MARANI, DEBORA; FONSECA, FABIO C. Tuning diffusion paths in shaped ceria nanocrystals. <b>CrystEngComm</b>, v. 21, n. 27, p. 4025-4029, 2019. DOI: <a href="">10.1039/c9ce00414a</a>. Disponível em: diffusion controls material structuring from the atomic to the macro-scale defining properties and functionalities. We show here that surface energy in Ce0.9Gd0.1O3-d shaped nanocrystals, i.e. nanocubes, nanorods and spherical nanoparticles, can control solid state diffusion mechanisms over a long range, leading to extreme microstructural diversity.4025-4029closedAccessnanostructurescrystalscerium oxidesdiffusiongadoliniumdoped materialsTuning diffusion paths in shaped ceria nanocrystalsArtigo de periódico272110.1039/c9ce00414a0000-0003-0708-2021