NUNES, K.P.TOYOTA, R.G.OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.NEVES, E.G.SOARES, E.A.A.MUNITA, C.S.2014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312014-07-312013NUNES, K.P.; TOYOTA, R.G.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.; NEVES, E.G.; SOARES, E.A.A.; MUNITA, C.S. Preliminary compositional evidence of provenance of ceramics from Hatahara Archaeological Site, Central Amazonia. <b>Journal of Chemistry</b>, v. 2013, p. 701748-1 - 701748-6, 2013. Disponível em: - 701748-6openAccessamazon riverarchaeological sitesceramicschemical compositionsample preparationmulti-element analysismultivariate analysisneutron activation analysisPreliminary compositional evidence of provenance of ceramics from Hatahara Archaeological Site, Central AmazoniaArtigo de periódico2013