LANDULFO, EDUARDOVEGA, ALBEHT R.YOSHIDA, ALEXANDRE C.BASTIDAS, ALVAROSANTOS, AMANDA V. dosSILVA, ANTONIETAGOMES, ANTONIO A.GONZALEZ, BORIS B.MELO-LUNA, CARLOS A.HOYOS, CARLOS D.RAE, CRISTINA T. de S.CAMILO, DANIELVIVAS, DAVIDGOUVEIA, DIEGO A.WOLFRAM, ELIANCOLLINI, ESTELALOPES, FABIO J.S.MOREIRA, GREGORI de A.BARBOSA, HENRIQUE de M.J.CIMINARI, HERNANREINA, JOHN H.SILVA, JONATAN J. daCESPEDES, JONNATHANMARRERO, JUAN C.A.RASCADO, JUAN L.G.PALLOTTA, JUANHOELZEMANN, JUDITHARBOLEDAS, LUCAS A.SALLES, M.ALEJANDRASILVA, MARCOS P.A. daSAMMARA, RENATAFORNO, RICARDO N.PAPANDREA, SEBASTIAN2020-10-222020-10-222020LANDULFO, EDUARDO; VEGA, ALBEHT R.; YOSHIDA, ALEXANDRE C.; BASTIDAS, ALVARO; SANTOS, AMANDA V. dos; SILVA, ANTONIETA; GOMES, ANTONIO A.; GONZALEZ, BORIS B.; MELO-LUNA, CARLOS A.; HOYOS, CARLOS D.; RAE, CRISTINA T. de S.; CAMILO, DANIEL; VIVAS, DAVID; GOUVEIA, DIEGO A.; WOLFRAM, ELIAN; COLLINI, ESTELA; LOPES, FABIO J.S.; MOREIRA, GREGORI de A.; BARBOSA, HENRIQUE de M.J.; CIMINARI, HERNAN; REINA, JOHN H.; SILVA, JONATAN J. da; CESPEDES, JONNATHAN; MARRERO, JUAN C.A.; RASCADO, JUAN L.G.; PALLOTTA, JUAN; HOELZEMANN, JUDITH; ARBOLEDAS, LUCAS A.; SALLES, M.ALEJANDRA; SILVA, MARCOS P.A. da; SAMMARA, RENATA; FORNO, RICARDO N.; PAPANDREA, SEBASTIAN. LALINET network status. <b>EPJ Web of Conferences</b>, v. 237, p. 1-4, 2020. DOI: <a href="">10.1051/epjconf/202023705008</a>. DisponÃvel em: (Latin American Lidar Network) follows its goal to consolidation as a federative lidar network to provide regional coverage over Latin America in providing aerosol and greenhouse gas profiles following QA/QC protocols and promoting the development of researchers and students in atmopheric science field. We show recent results on different approaches for studying the optical properties of the atmosphere regarding aerosols at tropospheric and stratospheric level and greenhouse gas mixing ratio profiles followed by our recent support and validation efforts towards present and future satellite missions.1-4openAccesscomputer networksoptical radarinventoriesmonitoringoptical propertiesdistributionLALINET network statusArtigo de periódico23710.1051/epjconf/2020237050080000-0002-9691-5306 PercentilSem Percentil CiteScore