VILLANI, D.MASCARENHAS, Y.M.MAGON, M.F.A.CAMPOS, L.L.2016-08-082016-08-08VILLANI, D.; MASCARENHAS, Y.M.; MAGON, M.F.A.; CAMPOS, L.L. Evaluation of Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) DOT dosemeters for area monitoring of diagnostic low energy X-rays laboratory. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDIVIDUAL MONITORING OF IONISING RADIATION, April 20-24, 2015, Bruges, Belgium. <b>Abstract...</b> p. 196. Disponível em: monitoringx radiationperformance testingscatteringradiation dosesoutdoorscalibration standardsEvaluation of Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) DOT dosemeters for area monitoring of diagnostic low energy X-rays laboratoryResumo de eventos científicos