RESTIVO, THOMAZ A.G.BECCARI, RAFAEL F.PADILHA, WELLINGTON R.DURAZZO, MICHELANGELOTELLES, VICTOR B.COLETI, JORGEYAMAGATA, CHIEKOSILVA, ANTONIO C. daSUZUKI, EDUARDOTENORIO, JORGE A.S.MELLO-CASTANHO, SONIA R.H.2019-08-012019-08-012019RESTIVO, THOMAZ A.G.; BECCARI, RAFAEL F.; PADILHA, WELLINGTON R.; DURAZZO, MICHELANGELO; TELLES, VICTOR B.; COLETI, JORGE; YAMAGATA, CHIEKO; SILVA, ANTONIO C. da; SUZUKI, EDUARDO; TENORIO, JORGE A.S.; MELLO-CASTANHO, SONIA R.H. Micrograded ceramic-metal composites. <b>Journal of the European Ceramic Society</b>, v. 39, n. 12, p. 3484-3490, 2019. DOI: <a href="">10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.03.018</a>. Disponível em: article shows new designed cermets and processes concerning primary to applications as thermal insulation materials with low emissivity. A new projected microstructure was obtained where dense regions (micropellets) rest inside the main porous pellet. The feature resembles a frozen hypercube, therefore such architecture is called hyper-pellet/ cermet. The processing method to obtain the hyper-cermet is based on sequential tape castings and sintering techniques. Ni-zirconia lamellae were prepared by a special mechanochemical process followed by sintering, which remain inside the main pellets as a dense region. The whole pellet is turned to be porous by employing pore-forming additives. All the constituents and porosity shapes are aligned along the disc/ flake planes. Thermal conductivity is estimated for the materials up to 800 °C by a flash diffusivimeter. Ceramographic analyses show graded density regions with directional constituents and pores. Applications of such materials are foreseen as temperature insulation materials and thermal radiation shields.3484-3490openAccesscermetsceramicsradiationsshieldsthermal insulationemissivityheat transferthermal conductivityMicrograded ceramic-metal compositesArtigo de periódico123910.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.03.0180000-0002-0967-08070000-0002-2147-8295