CARVALHO, AMANDA R. deRODRIGUES, ELAINE A.ANDRADE, DELVONEI A. deCARVALHO, BEATRIZ R. deBUSTILLOS, JOSE O.W.V.2024-03-212024-03-21CARVALHO, AMANDA R. de; RODRIGUES, ELAINE A.; ANDRADE, DELVONEI A. de; CARVALHO, BEATRIZ R. de; BUSTILLOS, JOSE O.W.V. Long-term safety and governance of nuclear energy in climate emergency cities. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE ROLE OF NUCLEAR POWER, 2nd, October 9-13, 2023, Vienna, Austria. <b>Proceedings...</b> Disponível em: advance of urbanisation and climate change are the greatest challenges facing humanity in the coming decades. Today 55% of the human population lives in cities and it is estimated that 6.4 billion people will live in an urban environment by 2050. The inevitable consequences of global climate change can result in hard-to-measure losses and damages that include loss of life and livelihoods, degradation of physical structures, territories and agricultural land, and impairment of cultural heritage, social and cultural identity, cultural heritage, and biodiversity. Adaptation efforts are not sufficient to adequately reduce the risks associated with current and future climate impacts, and even with effective adaptation, losses and damages will not be averted. In regions that are most vulnerable to climate change, the ecological, socio-economic and physical systems are losing resilience, with human vulnerability increasing in susceptible regions such as densely populated coastal regions, with real risk of forced displacement and direct or indirect impacts on hundreds of millions of people and key infrastructure. Given the relevance of nuclear energy in achieving climate change goals as low-carbon energy and its potential to contribute in net zero transitions, the study investigates the association between the impacts of climate change and the risks posed by nuclear installations in coastal locations. The first commercial nuclear power plants began operating in the 1950s, and today nuclear power accounts for about 10 percent of all electricity worldwide, making it the world's second largest source of low-carbon energy (26 percent of the total by 2020), with more than 50 countries using nuclear power and about 420 nuclear power reactors in operation around the world, in 182 different locations, of which a good part are coastal. We identified 82 locations that correspond to the conditions. The 5 countries with the greatest number of vulnerable locations are China (18), Japan (16), United States (9), Republic of Korea (6), and the United Kingdom (5). These locations also include four megacities, with populations of over ten million people: Shenzhen e Dalian (China), Karachi (Pakistan) e Surat (India). Since the coastal locations with nuclear power reactors that are vulnerable to sea level rise concentrate millions of inhabitants, it is critical that climate resilient energy systems are designed that consider the anticipated impact of climate change, both for slow onset events and climate extremes, with a focus on the safety of people and the environment surrounding these nuclear facilities.openAccessclimatic changeenvironmentenvironmental protectionnuclear energyurban areasnuclear power plantsrisk assessmentLong-term safety and governance of nuclear energy in climate emergency citiesTexto completo de evento