MARQUES, I.M.OKAZAKI, A.K.SILVEIRA, C.R. daCARVALHAL, M.A.MONTEIRO, W.A.CARRIO, J.A.G.2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-022014-11-172014-11-182015-04-02MARQUES, I.M.; OKAZAKI, A.K.; SILVEIRA, C.R. da; CARVALHAL, M.A.; MONTEIRO, W.A.; CARRIO, J.A.G. Structural and microstructural comparative analysis on metallic alloys of composition Cusub(y%)-Nisub(x%)-Me (Me=Sn,Cr,Al,Pt). In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA E CIENCIA DOS MATERIAIS, 19., 21-25 de novembro, 2010, Campos do Jordao, SP. <b>Anais...</b> p. 4903-4910. Disponível em: alloysnickel alloyspowder metallurgymicrostructureelectrical propertiesmechanical propertiescrystallographycrystal structureStructural and microstructural comparative analysis on metallic alloys of composition Cusub(y%)-Nisub(x%)-Me (Me=Sn,Cr,Al,Pt)Texto completo de evento