STEFFENS, JULIANACOSTA, RENATA F. daLANDULFO, EDUARDOGUARDANI, ROBERTOMOREIRA JUNIOR, PAULO F.HELD, GERHARDSINGH, UPENDRA N.PAPPALARDO, GELSOMINA2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-012014-11-172014-11-182015-04-01STEFFENS, JULIANA; COSTA, RENATA F. da; LANDULFO, EDUARDO; GUARDANI, ROBERTO; MOREIRA JUNIOR, PAULO F.; HELD, GERHARD. Remote sensing detection of atmospheric pollutants using Lidar, Sodar and correlation with air quality data in an industrial area. In: SINGH, UPENDRA N. (ed.); PAPPALARDO, GELSOMINA (ed.). In: LIDAR TECHNOLOGIES, TECHNIQUES, AND MEASUREMENTS FOR ATMOSPHERIC REMOTE SENSING, VII, September 19–20, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. <b>Proceedings...</b> Bellingham, Washington: Society of Photho-optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2011. p. 81820Z-1 - 81820Z-10. Disponível em: - 81820Z-10openAccessoptical radaracoustic measurementsindustryair qualitybackscatteringlight scatteringRemote sensing detection of atmospheric pollutants using Lidar, Sodar and correlation with air quality data in an industrial areaTexto completo de evento