CAVINATO, CHRISTIANNE C.SOUZA, BENEDITO H.CARRETE JUNIOR, HENRIQUEDAROS, KELLEN A.C.MEDEIROS, REGINA B.GIORDANI, ADELMO J.RODRIGUES JUNIOR, ORLANDOCAMPOS, LETICIA L.2014-11-172014-11-182015-04-012014-11-172014-11-182015-04-01CAVINATO, CHRISTIANNE C.; SOUZA, BENEDITO H.; CARRETE JUNIOR, HENRIQUE; DAROS, KELLEN A.C.; MEDEIROS, REGINA B.; GIORDANI, ADELMO J.; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, ORLANDO; CAMPOS, LETICIA L. Reproducibility of 3DCRT isodose curves evaluation obtained using spherical fricke xylenol gel phantom. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RADIATION PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, 13th, May 13-18, 2012, Glasgow, Scotland. <b>Proceedings...</b> Disponível em: dosemeterschemical dosemetersbiological modelsphantomsthree-dimensional calculationsnuclear magnetic resonanceradiation dosesisodose curvesphoton beamsReproducibility of 3DCRT isodose curves evaluation obtained using spherical fricke xylenol gel phantomTexto completo de evento