BARRAGAN NETO, VALTERCOUTO, ANTONIO A.VATAVUK, JANOCHSNER, ANDREASSILVA, LUCAS F.M. daALTENBACH, HOLM2014-12-172014-12-172014-12-172014-12-172012BARRAGAN NETO, VALTER; COUTO, ANTONIO A.; VATAVUK, JAN. Computational simulation in centrifugal casted aluminium - silicon engine cylinder liner. In: OCHSNER, ANDREAS (ed.); SILVA, LUCAS F.M. da (ed.); ALTENBACH, HOLM (ed.). <b>Materials with Complex Behaviour II</b>. p. 81-98. DisponĂvel em: simulationh codescentrifugescastingaluminiumsiliconcylinderslinersautomotive accessoriesComputational simulation in centrifugal casted aluminium - silicon engine cylinder linerCapĂtulo de livroMaterials with Complex Behaviour II