CORREA, E.L.SANTOS, L.R. dosVIVOLO, V.POTIENS, M.P.A.2017-03-202017-03-20CORREA, E.L.; SANTOS, L.R. dos; VIVOLO, V.; POTIENS, M.P.A. Mammography calibration qualities establishment in a Mo-Mo clinical system. In: BRAZILIAN CONGRESS ON METROLOGY, 8th, 29 de novembro - 04 de dezembro, 2015, Bento Gonçalves, RS. <b>Proceedings...</b> p. 1-5. DisponÃvel em: this study the mammography calibration qualities were established in a clinical mammography system. The objective is to provide the IPEN instruments calibration laboratory with both mammography calibration methods (using a clinical and an industrial system). The results showed a good behavior of mammography equipment, in terms of kVp, PPV and exposure time. The additional filtration of molybdenum is adequate, air-kerma rates were determined and spectra were obtained.1-5openAccesscalibrationfiltrationkermamammary glandsmolybdenumspectraMammography calibration qualities establishment in a Mo-Mo clinical systemTexto completo de evento