ABREU, C.P.MELO, H.G. dePEBERE, N.VIVIER, V.COSTA, I.2017-03-232017-03-23ABREU, C.P.; MELO, H.G. de; PEBERE, N.; VIVIER, V.; COSTA, I. Investigação da corrosão localizada das ligas dissimilares (2024-T3 e 7475-T651) soldadas por FSW. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA E CIENCIA DOS MATERIAIS, 22., 06-10 de novembro, 2016, Natal, RN. <b>Anais...</b> p. 6653-6663. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/27295.http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/27295The aeronautic industry has shown great interest in joining aluminum dissimilar alloys used in different parts of the aircraft. The Friction Stir Welding (FSW) process was developed has been considered as an effective alternative to con-ventional techniques for welding of aluminum alloys. This technique results in different microstructural areas affecting the corrosion resistance of the material. In this work, the corrosion resistance of the different zones formed in the 2024-T3 and 7475-T761 alloys welded by FSW has been investigated by electro-chemical techniques. An electrochemical cell with a small area exposed to the electrolyte (o-ring with 1.0 mm diameter) was used to allow testing the different zones generated, separately. Test solution consisted of 0.1M Na2SO4 + 1mM NaCl. The electrochemical results showed lower corrosion resistance associat-ed to the nugget zones. Besides, the TMAZ of the two alloys, mainly of the 7475-T651 presented corrosion resistance inferior to the BM and HAZ zones.6653-6663openAccessaerospace industryfrictionweldingstirringaluminium alloyscorrosionweightwear resistanceelectrochemistryimpedancespectroscopypolarizationInvestigação da corrosão localizada das ligas dissimilares (2024-T3 e 7475-T651) soldadas por FSWInvestigation on the localized corrosion of the dissimilar alloys (2024-T3 e 7475-T651) joined by FSWTexto completo de eventohttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-4987-3334